sorry if it has been said i didnt read all the other post but the whole big wepon armory thing is kinda a downfall and it would be better if u put...
wow so simpel but looks like fun! *download* i think i may change spawns if needed and play some fatt kid on this!
ugh is that turret cliping? :( sorry thos are they things that turn me off on a puzzel map
i was thinking the samr thing about using this in a map but then i realized u could probley just jump as far as that thing takes u... something...
*download* looks very smooth nice job man
wow nice job on feature i really like this amp it is wwaaayyy better than the demo derby i used to play with my friends!
ok why would u make a race track u cant win? i can understand if u fall here or there but really not only is this imposible to race on u cant even...
looks good i like how it starts off simi easy then gets harder so that if u fall u dont get too angery i will downlaod. only one question... are...
this looks ok but im going to download and the only reason is the turrets i HATE turets so maybe you could put some angeld stones or thin walls in...
i am about to download this map and test it out then i will give a little more feed back idk what u have done with the leader triats but i think...
looks really good
screen shot not found?
nice job on feature looks like a great map
wow when this first came out i didnt think it was that good but that just shoes what i know
wow this like an almost perfect remake only it needs to be the smallest bit bigger. great map 5/5
im not sure how well this will work...some of the cover doesnt even prtect you. in other words use diffrent things as cover(things that are taller)
i think this is better than back burner because it is more laied back and 10/10 on the mearging
dude this looks great but from what people say its very difficult. im about to play with my freind i will edit after i play. do you think after...
i love these kind of maps and this one looks about average so i downloaded and plan on playing later tonight. once i play it i will give you more...
this looks like a really fun map to play with some friends i think i will try it out later tonight with about ten people