I loved this map I played it with a friend, it was great learning about all of the little tips and tricks One which I used was hiding at the...
This looks great It's the type of ramdomness that me and my freinds love Downloading now, and should be pernament of my harddrive Does it only...
Wouldn't sandbox be more apropiate? Anyway, my GT is Joco3000, I'd like to fail too
no idea, forging 101 andyoutube are your freinds maybe a pallet?
the humans they walk through the tunnel, then "poof", a killtactular, round over for the zombie It will have to be one of thoseblocks that are...
Try proping it up with custom powerups, with the settings to have the same stats as normal
I haven't got any good kills really, but I drove a turretless tank in matchmaking Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
I have the same problems as you do in terms of brothers The concepts of the map are great, and would take about half an hour to clean that map up...
You should be thankfull that you spawn with a AR. It is perhaps the most balanced weapon in the game. There are other weapons that could of been...
The funny thing is, it is do-able in matchmaking with a bit of lag I do wish I could do that glitch though You can do it with any vehicle
This is my first map post It is a simple map, attacker and defender sides...
My freind had this aswell I was able to play private halo wars games with him, so i think you can play custom games
Chopper It can outmaneuver the warthog, but banshee will beat it, except on rare occasions
I would enjoy playing these types of games, as i find the fuel rod cannon and deployable cover comical to use. I also enjoy non BR starts.
Hi I found the forums by looking in Google mid-September time. I've been stalking the map area as a guest ever since, but I decided I would...