Love this game. I always have a blast playing it and whoever made the logo mad props, looks great! You should make a silver account for all...
Remake of World of Warcraft's battleground Arathi Basin. For those of you who don't what that is, It's a 2 team territories game with 5...
Is there a jet-pack loadout? i could have sworn i took it off already... well thanks for letting me know
This is a remake of World of Warcraft's battleground Arathi Basin. For those of you who don't what that is, It's a 2 team territories game with 5...
You could always make a Lord of the Rings Helms Deep map. Wouldn't be super original, but I don't think I've seen one with an exploding wall yet
Hey man I downloaded your arathi basin map and saw a few things I wanted to change, then I ended up changing almost the whole map besides the...
Ok yours are Tagged 2
Tagged heres mine : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
K yours is tagged now ER1C0
Heres mine : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
ok done tagging yalls
there is a competition thing to win recon that bungie is doing
here are my 2 Mythic Recon screenshots if you tag mine with "Mythic Recon" i will tag yours First one is called "The Void" link :...
Like i said this is my first map and im not very good at merging and interlocking yet but thanks for the feedback anyway =)
Thanks! and let me know how you think it plays and if there is any other changes i should make
No it was being gay and wouldn't let me make weapons i plan on trying to fix it soon
Necropolis is a fast paced symmetrical Team Swat map best played 3v3 or 4v4 made in the crypt of sandbox. This is my first post so its not the...
ok sry didn't know that was your map name i will change the name im gonna remove this for now anyway don't have time 2 fix it
Does it work?