Goat i thought i helped you with the middle structure in the middle as an idea to fill some of the negative space but to also give more character...
Does anyone want to check out my coagulation remaster so far? needs a lot of work but im liking where its going. my gt is Ripshade 41
I'm currently working on a H2 remastered version of coagulation (which coagulation isn't even on the list). Its planned to have some cool stuff...
I still have a **** ton of work to do on my coag remaster and im already having a great time doing it. The terrain should be fun also
Im working on a coagulation remastered version. I have some cool new ideas for it. Its a slow process but im getting excited with it. I chose halo...
Goat is still the forerunner god. He was doing that sheet back when it was hard to attempt but i have to agree that your takes on the forerunner...
Goat im on now and i want to show you something. i didnt know you were back.
I think the forge maps shown in the November neak peak look awesome but are they scale right for halo 5? The headlong remakes doesnt look up...
Was there a decent amount of new incline pieces? Like were there a good variety of stair pieces also? What about window pieces, were there also...
Do you guys know if we will be able to take map thumbnails for our maps instead of the default canvas picture? I really think we should be able to...
Also how many terrain pieces are thee roughly? Is there a huge variety of them. I really hope that we can literally make whatever we want with...
Will we get circular entrance ways like a tunnel entrance? Warzone has like drilled out tunnels and circular doorways/entrances. I'm just curious...
If you ever get a lobby to test maps send me a invite (Ripshade 41) and i would love to test. I also have a map on my fileshare (Trav 1) which is...
RipShade 41
I have been working on a map since the launch of mcc and its in the testing phase. I just need people to download it and test it as well. Gt:...
Yes i need some help on map that i designed and that eshkii helped co-forge in halo 4. I have been remaking it in mcc but i just dont have the...
I really liked this map when you showed it to me. The structures were interesting and the layout was good. I still need to play on it but it...
The new version of Dharma is live. The new version is called Dharma island in my fileshare. I have done many updates to this version. Changes: -...
Yes i have been taking so much feeback into account. I'm currently done with my map without the natural center and now i have so many options to...
I'm glad you like it. I'm still in testing and some things may change but most things are final. What you just said is what i was trying to pull...