This map is ok it has a good racetrack. the track is all fine and i love the day and night feature. the portal to the tower is usually blocked...
I'm sorry about the pics..ill get some with a closer look and a battle field view may not see it but i did give equipment to the humans.
i made it underground for restriction...i bet you didn't even test not wasteing a week interlocking....also undergroend was the best way...
The name Haloforgemaster was the only gamertag i could come up with at the time because i liked forge and out my friends at the time based on each...
HLG is highly annoying. especially is you are about to win a match and a guy is tampering with the network so much that you just quit or get booted!!!
This map ive played on and its good for slayer... the area with all the vehicals is a bit of a bad idea. 4/5
Boy you people on this site are very picky about your maps!!!lol...another thing to add to my improvement list
This map has three houses and a base. this game is meant for vip but can be played with all game types!!!i got some help from spartanhammer7.the...
In this game first one person must die to determine the rogue flyer. only the rogue flyer(juggernaut) can fly and get back up to the air base....
3 bad maps in a row... but keep in mind this map is based on a old town so it's supposed to look crappy....but i realize i got to learn how to...
I see hmm.... i think on my next map i'll do your suggestions... i totally forgot about the whole weak covenat weapons thing... my bad.. this game...
Thank you all for the suggestions. This map was a rush and i am kinda new to this site. I'm also not so clear on all the forgeing techniques. Most...
This map looks like a abandoned town. The energy area descibed in the descrpition is actually a basement full of kill balls and the invisowell...
The dark capture the flag map is a all out war UNSC vs the covenate. this map is for either one or two flag capture the flag. each base has enough...
This sand box infection map has many features. If you'll notice this is my first sand box map so it is a little bad. Pic of the entire land area:...