Thought of the respawn area idea but couldn't find it either. Kind of ridiculous if that's right because that would pretty much make Halo 3 forge...
Alright so I've been out of the forge game for a long time and am definitely out of the loop so this may be a stupid question. But the other day...
This map is a pretty cool guy. Lots of fun to play a good ol' game of Slayer on. Very balanced, unlike th le rest of Reach's maps. Everyone has a...
I was aware of this when making the map but didn't have enough rocks to put it in and didn't think it was so important that I needed to try to...
OMG. I'm so stupid. I was messing with the weapon spawns and apparently I forgot to re-add the hammer. The new version is in the OP. Also, thanks...
That was the plan when I started the map. But I've ran out of rocks that I can use and I only have $40 left. So yeah...
Edit: New version with Grav Hammer spawn. I was messing with the weapon spawns and forgot to add it back. Alrighty, so I've been working on...
The person who remakes Guardian gets a blowjob from me. ;) .
This map looks amazing, padres. The forging is perfect and the structures are awesome. The only thing is that it looks kind of opem. I know I've...
This is about as good as Infection maps come, in my opinion. I had a great time testing out this map! Definetely seems like it could be in...
This is another great map, padres! :D Worked great for 1 flag. Oh and if any of you think it's pretty much the same as Longshore, you're wrong....
I actually really like this map. I normally don't like Conquest maps. But I actually had a great time playing this one. Another great map, padres! :D
Wow. I love this map so much. You did such a great job on this one, Remy. :D This map actually makes me have fun when playing MLG. (I usually...
This map looks really amazing. It just looks so clean and very well thought out. I'm gonna download it nao.
Haha, that is so very epic. I always forget to look on Valhalla for the special symbols on the special days. Yes.
I voted for Guardian. Probably because it is my favorite map.
Intro: This is my very first map called Lyberia. It is great for CTF and Assault. It's for 6-10 players, and has great gameplay. Download: Map...
Very nice, Padres. :) I hope I can play it with you sometime.