Hmmm. Mostly because they are awesome.
Its called GML. Simplified Delphi.
You're mean. :( Making games is a hobby, just like painting pictures is a hobby. Now, there really isnt a lot of purpose of painting a picture,...
Yes, indeed. It now even has a website. Worms! - Home
Hmmm, I think the rope is fine in Worms Live. It gets you out of and into interesting situations, but doesn't allow you to jump around the level...
I must agree on both statements. Still play the original Worms on Xbox Live now and then. Use the rope a lot. This game is real-time, not...
This ain't a clone, although it might look like it. No rope for you!
I decided to post a game that I am working on. This is copy-paste from another forum. It has a level-editor, so I guess you guys ought to like it!...
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) Not sure if anyone has said this, but you don't need another program to save the image without...