Everyone has thier own opinion,and I disagree with Telrad on a few issues.Personally,I love Fallout,and am an advid fan of shooters and RPGs.First...
I've long since been excited about the game.There's also a second mode from what I understand. That you and three other people hold your ground...
Anime Fest is being held in Dallas,TX this year.So who else is going?
Linubidix beat me to the punch line.
Hey,I've not met a texan who said y'all.Only Louisianians say,but nice to meet you.
Live has been cancled.He working on the end for the other two though.
Assault Rifle.'Cause it's the starter weapon,and so I get more kills with it.
I've yet to see forge used to it's greatest potential,and nobody's making a move to do it.I'll do what I can to do so,but why do you think...
Yeah,and the thread needs to be named after the map.nothing else.
Interesting,but you should have figured out how to post pictures before posting.
I love this map.Only problem is it's lonely being a human.
This is a well built map.
Hey emo, something must be wrong because when I click the link it says the itme's been removed, and when I go to see your fileshare it says you...
I like it.
Interesting,but it's not Chinese it's Korean.Chinese dragons have 5 toes,Korean have 4,and Japanese have 3. This only has 4.
Awesome!I always loved Gundam.This does amazing justice to it.
I can't wait to play this.Hope it's on TGIF this week.
Seems interesting.
I can't wait to play this.