Well it is not that good but i tried tell me what you think [IMG]
Tell me what you think. [IMG]
Just finished this a few minutes ago tell me what you think. [IMG]
[IMG] Third Sig, This time, the only thing I asked my brother's help for was for the lighting.
[IMG] [IMG] my first sigs my brother (egp) helped me out
[IMG] My first signature. I decided to get into graphics. I have been watching my brother when he makes signatures and I kind of stole the stuff...
Well this map is a really good layout looks like a great big and small party map. i can tell you used great interlocking Also i can tell you put...
I think this map looks real good that center piece caught my eye at first one thing i could say is you could have gone without the mongoose and...
OMG why did you double post and this map looks really good you did well on the interlocking but my favorite part is the hallway. This map looks...
Ok if this were a asthetic map it would be good but its a competative map. Also the maps name does not make sense. Although it could be used as a...
its not much of an slayer map but a really good show map although question if you throw a grenade in there will some thing happen if there is make...
wow this is a really good looking map just like you said the whole map enclosed although you could use the unlimited cash glitch to add more...
wow this map has been remade so many times its not funny i remember the first one was made in last resort. Also the platforms are bad people can...
a weapon that would be used the most would probably called the splazer it shoots the spartan laser but it locks on to vehicles at the same time.
im not really sure cod4 or Halo3 its hard to deside but i think that halo has a better story line
cool welcome to forgehub i know youlle think its fun
hey sharp its eguitars brother finally got a forgehub account haha
this would be a great MLG map, if you really think about it. I like the layout you used on this map. Good job on taking your time on making it...
i already have many people that can help including my brother