I used Ghost Town because I think it is one of the best map to play infection on. I got the idea of using the wood after I played "Spooky House"...
Dark Hill V1.0 This old village is known for causing unusual deaths, and nobody has never survived there. Description: You are a group of...
A little tip is to remove the lightballs behind the bases or geomerge them into the blocks, because that is two very good hiding spots (unless...
So how do I get to that room?
What secret room under Snowbound?
What do you mean with umph
What do you mean with umpfh
Vertigo v2 [IMG] I made this v2 after feedback saying that the map needed more objects. Weapons on the map: Battle Rifle x6 Brute Shot...
Here is the link
Thanks for all the feedback! I will probably make a v2 soon based on what people think I should change on the map.
Nice work! This is one of the best Slayer maps i've seen made in the Sky Bubble!
Nice map, but you should maybe add a few more things in the middle.
I forgot to upload it to my File Share :P I will do it tomorrow and upload the link here. Edit: Here is the link:
I didn't use any interlocking, because I don't think I need to. Or do I...?
I saw this screenshot recently in the Community Files, and said to myself: Wow...! So now I wanna know how this screenshot was taken: [IMG]
Vertigo [IMG] Description: This map contains two bases, one red and one blue, and a middle part. Weapons on the map: Battle Rifle x6 Sniper...