Also, you spelled guard wrong :p
I voted for "Age" by Moose Iv. Really cool effect
First of all, you spelled stadium wrong, second of all this is the wrong sectiont post this. Finally, if this is griffball, you shouldn't be able...
I see you haven't gotton much feedback on this thread so far other then "looks kind of cool i dunno about it tho looks weird maby ill check it out...
I agree, it looks interesting enough to have a my download. The sub is really what caught my attention, and the rest of the map seems alright....
If you need a guide on posting screenshots go here. I...
I really suggest taking the FX off, as it makes it hard to see the map. From what I can see you need a lot more cover and structures. When...
I'm not a big fan of remakes, but I think that this looks quite good so far. Your ladder system seams new and original, and I fricken love it!...
I really love the main structure for Thus I Refute Thee and, just saying, but Wapakalypse is definitaly TDWP best song :P
I've been waiting for one of these for forever! I was going to make my own on Sandbox after I got tired of Distortion but I'll just download this...
Wow these are all so amazing. It's very rare that you see a map pack with four maps this good. I really like Avalcha, but you might want to...
I saw this on xforegery two or three weeks ago, and I may not have posted, but I was still amazed. The thing that never ceases to blow me away is...
Thanks guys, I"ll try both of those later.
I've already tried that, but both still have the same problems. Also, I'm almost 100% sure all the ramp larges were set to start yes with a 180...
I'm currently working on a map and on a certain area there is a tear-dropped merged tin cup in the ground and it looks fine, but when you look...
Wow, this map looks amazing. It looks like your going to barely be able to fit it in the item limit. I can't comment much on gameplay because it's...
Firefight gets boring after a while but IMO **** zombies never gets old. Plus the maps in **** Zombies have a ton of cool and unique features...
They just want to get to a place and don't care if someone else does to. I don't really care when people do it with mongosses but I hate it when...
I don't really like piercings on anywhere other then ears but it doesn't really matter that much. A nose peircing isn't bad or anything, but I...
I think you should make a remake off of Halo 2 or Halo:CE because people would reather play and orignal then a remake. I've been wantign to see a...