this looks like a unique map, most of the tube maps have too much tubes in them but you used the perfect amount. Keep up the good work!!!
great map, this will definitely be up there.... GOOD LUCK ON THE CONTEST!!!!
7 WONDERS OF THE WORLD- chichen itza-v2 I recently made a map for the contest, and you thought some of it was a bit bad so i edited it up a...
7 Wonders of the World- Chichen Itza Download YouTube- Forge Hub's 7 Wonders of the World Contest: Chichen Itza Chichen Itza [IMG]...
yes i have fully tested this map, if you would like i can show you the video or i can put the link to download it did you read the title "...
ROCK CLIMBING CHALLENGE!! This map is made to challenge people to their limitt, there are three courses, first and longest which is on the...
LEFT 4 DEAD This map is a remake of the survival mode on the left for dead game. there are three entry points to the house. there is also the...
FEAR ORIGINS is a infection based map. it has many things that can still be done but i think that this went well.This map has the pen and ink...
Fear origins FEAR ORIGINS is a infection based map. it has many things that can still be done but i think that this went well.This map has the...
This map looks way tooo open i like the design and all but some mlg maps are a bit better if their not open as much think about working on a v2...
i said that it is mainly used for flag. if you would have changed the gametype to flag then all of the spawn points will be there for you so thats...
THE PICTURES ARENT WORKING you should really know what your doing before you try forgehub out they have tuts that will help you with the...
HAVE FUN [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] MAP DOWNLOAD : Halo 3 File Details
UP TOP [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Have fun : Halo 3 File Details
if you take out the tunnels and make the map a little bigger then no doubt it will be good ill be waiting for another version =) 8/10
This map is good in size its good for a four on four map look at mlg amplified that map isnt that big but it still works out. so this map is prety...
MLG COMPOUND 2xMauler 1x Sniper 1x Rocket 8x Plasma grenades BRS and Carbines placed around map ScreenShot from above [IMG] Middle Map [IMG] Red...
Teleportors big no no for mlg also map doesnt look verry clean try again =( 3/10
we should make a map together my gamer tag is UPS KARMA my newest map is MLG X-FACTOR SO SEND ME A FRIENDS request and we can make a sik map =)