I guess it has to be touching the sand at least. It didn't work for me anywhere else.
This seems to only work with the sandy part of sandbox. I don't see any merged into the stone part.
Repository I got it from halo wars
I vote the SWORD too.
What about SMG's
Survival gametype. The link above is a thread of somebodies own L4D gametype posted on FH. I think you guys should go see what you think.
you should post this idea in the L4D Remakes thread it will be very helpful in deciding an official gametype for L4D. It would be cool if you...
what about just raadio antenaes their not very asthetic but it might or might not work for you
if anyone hasn't already i'm going to attempt the crane remake it should be prettty easy.
I hope this gets featured its unique is a lot of ways. It looks like it can turn out to be a great shotty snipers map. If you can make a gametype...
This is what the special zombies should pick up for class spawning Boomer- what about fire bomb grenades instead of the flamethrower because you...
whatever you do don't name it heaven and hell make up another name because its just an unoriginal name. Other than that good idea i hope to...
Probably the best way to let the tank out every 2 minutes is to spawn him inside a tube he can't get out of without a grav lift that spawns 2...
I'd say just use swords for boomers usually people don't bother to pick up swords in zombie gametypes. It should be tested first and I can help...
well the flame kind of blurs the screen amd turns it red so it is a lot harder to see. But its just a suggestion
Maybe you can take out the boomer and make your own zombie character like a zombie with flame based weapons and grenade launcher because flame...
How many left 4 dead maps are their?
I think this left 4 dead remake thing is great but I think that once a majority of the maps are made you should post a map pack. That way you can...
The sword kind of doesn't blend in and it looks a little out of place. The rest of your map is great.
I always use scorpions and wolverines because people are always spawning mutiple air units. I never really tried any other strategies.