The bases look good, but it seems like there's only one path between the two, and there's no real fun in that. But, I guess that's what the...
I would have, but I ran out of objects :(
I have fixed the level, I hope this bump isn't against any forum rules, but since the level IS done now... BUMP. (don't ban me!)
I have that stuff. All I need is more cover.
Seriously, NO. It took hours to get right. I have everything it needs to be playable, but not everything it needs to be awesome.
Well, I'm not redoing the whole thing. Just help me figure out what to delete.
From above, it looks like the symbol for infinity, aka the moebius (or mobius... idk lol) I started with Sandbox Canvas.
Ok, but I need to know what to delete. I've used all the items the map'll let me place.
Well, I wanted advice. I don't know what more it needs because I'm still sort of new at this.
Actually, I didn't place any BRs. Only carbines. (once again, it's not finished) Ok, I fixed it, there's a link now. There wasn't one before...
Moebius (revamped) A symmetrical map in the sky bubble on sandbox, Moebius is best for small team CTF and neutral assault. (only neutral )...