ok thank you alot i changed a lot of the weapon spawns and added some more stuff to make it flow better.
ok guys thanks for the input i will be removing 2 BRs making a total of eight and will be removing both hammers and one rocket launcher and one...
Crucible, a map utilizing both the crypt and skybubble of sandbox, is a map utilizing lifts and teleporters to move the player to places of the...
cool cool and the map is actually very fun though extremely difficult though some merging would be nice overall a good map 4/5
ok i dled it to see and right off the bat there was a problem u spawn on the ground and not in the skybubble so if playing a custom u cant even...
ok well the guy is right about interlocking the floors should definentily be interlocked since it is a racing style map and will take out all...
put a grav lift on a weapon holder and have it face the cannon and it will push the fusion coil making it auto shoot so no one has to push it. If...
Actually we tried all of these suggestions but could not make a good sail at all and the front piece was insanely hard to do as it was and we had...
Created by CoolioCruz and JC4DEF Dutchman creates a cargoship environment for all to enjoy. Dutchman is in the skybubble of sandbox and is very...
the track widens later on in the beginning it is narrow and there are cheatpoints. . . btw it is finally all on here thnx for your patience and...
yea guys sorry I was fixing some things an didn't want false pictures so i erased them and took new ones and they will be up next
k thnks they are up now sorry guys it was my first time but thnx 4 ur patience and here it is
Yeah sorry had to figure out lol sorry they are up now
This is my first racing map featuring tight turns unique jumps and overall fun. Ikonic offers great scenery as well as fun. Though the ride is a...