Blend, my friend. Blend. You need a focal and since your stock is moving and your effects are kind of moving the image needs to make the viewer...
I never visit anymore, except once like 3 months ago or something and today. But I shall always recall my forge hub time with fondness. Without...
I hate to necro-bump this thread, but I couldn't resist. I just was cleaning out my bookmarks toolbar and saw the ol' FH GnA icon and decided to...
Move "BE" down to where it's sitting nicely on top of the ELiTE text. Also, I'd say try to make the elite stand out at least a little bit more,...
Getting levels into the H:CE:CE was a ***** if you didn't know what you were doing, getting them into Reach would be probably be a nightmare, and...
Focal should always be the center of attention, right now my eyes are drawn to the middle; blackvoid.
I'd say work with a smaller canvas. As far as GIMP vs. PS 7 goes, I'd actually suggest trying out GIMP (2.7/8) if you haven't spent much time in...
I'd say remove the text. It really doesn't add to the message for me, and I feel better when I let myself discover the meaning of the loading bar...
Inconsistent depth messes with my mind.
Definitely put the halo in the sky there.
You gotta be quicker than that, man. Can't expect us to hold back our raging tiger CnC while you dawdle around in other subforums.
"My Lord, your helmet is cutting through your shoulder pauldrons it's so sharp..." At first I wuz liek whoa then I wuz liek hmm... then i wuz lyk...
Indeed it does.
The dust is way too intense in places where it shouldn't be. The light is bouncing off the dust in the path of that godray thingy, but not in the...
Oh, well, my comment stands. Just a suggestion. BTW text is better on no 2.
Add some environmental effects, e.g. flares, godrays, dust catching the light, stuff like that.
While it feels like it should be moving and the stock is moving, I feel no motion.
lol, I love it. Did you vector it yourself?
No. 2 is better, but seriously man, you should start focusing on improving designs after getting CnC instead of pumping out like a billion in a day.
Yup, text does indeed stick out way too much, and I think the starry bg doesn't fit. Too much contrast there.