Nice forging and all. Good idea. I'm dling but I don't think the gameplay will be good at all considering knights only have sords. but I'll dl and...
good try but I'm not gonna dl sorry gameplay looks kinda bad and also, why wud u put sords if every1 will use shotguns? u no, fr bulltrue type...
s barely past deadline, but I think I'll still dl for the challenge, This looks so hard and I doubt I'll ever finished it.
Awsome map! so dling after this! Altho one thing I think u shud make inside of house a lil' bigger. And u said in an earlier reply that u want...
This looks great, the zomies can come in from anywhere! 'm sooo dling, i can't wait to start a game going on this one!!!
Looks good dling after this reply, just one thing: i believe u shud make the mouse spawn blow in like 30 sec or 1 min. (30 sec preffered) because...
I'm dling now but I have a questio0n since I obviously an'y answer it now cuz I'm still dling and cant play it. Anyway, here it is: The zombies...
Nice map! I'm soo Dling but 1 thing, on my comp at least the 2 links both take u to the map not the gametype. So could you please either fix that...
This is pretty cool...better than most infection "mansions" I've seen. dling right now. I'd give it a 4.5/5, I'll definitely try this out tonight
dling right now!!! This is sooo cool. I like how u blocked off the guardians, adding soooo much more gamespace. For humans to escape. Also, Is it...
I'm dling now, I think I'll like this but i still have mixed feelings I'll give feedback once I give it a spin. Also, R those grav lifts by the...
This map looks great! Definite dl from me! However, I played it and I have some things u might wanna look over: 1. One hole into mall? That can...