It looks to me like it could have been taken in the "secret" blue-room under Snowbound by using a combination of effects --including a forced...
Sorry for not seeing your question sooner, or I would have sent you the link to that map type. In regards to the first screenshot I was asking...
Well I was able to mimic the second screenshot (the blue web)... here's my screenshot: : Halo 3 File Details And yes, it is on a map...
Thank you!
I've gotten this effect before by using the Gloomy filter and a few frag grenades. When you go into the theater, simply go to the last few frames...
Oh cool... thanks Ace. Do you know how they got all of the different colors on the wall at the same time? (for the mongoose picture). I'm assuming...
I've seen a few recent screenshots from the new Mythic map Sandbox with super brilliant collors... does anyone know how to do any of these? If...
"my ba dunk" [IMG] "graffiti" [IMG] "my ba dunk" file share link "graffiti" file share link Check out some of my other sweet shots in my...
[IMG] Screenshot title: graffiti Map: Avalanche Date screenshot was taken (not required): 02/01/09 Was your screenshot staged: Yes Are you the...