I already know that and I did add my own twist it takes place on the island so its more natural and you escape via falcons. also the version you...
Done and you inspired me to make level of my own heres the thread
Ok so let me start off by saying this is an original map but I was inspired by Rifte to make my own level. The gametype is practically the same as...
No Hope campaign by Rifte
this is the most fun i've had with halo reach ever. My only complaint is that the level ends, and that there are only two acts. I'd like to see a...
Tbh i have no clue what you mean. I always thought pinnacle was just remake like exactly the same but i suppose im wrong so please enlighten me im...
if you download it you'd be surprised it all flows really well the bottom i'll admit is kind of like that but its still pretty well done. The top...
If you played halo 2 customs at all this should be very familiar of a gametype. [IMG] The map is just pinnacle with a turret thrown down on the...
thats a good one but i think i've seen that before i'd like something original. idk that just sounds like something ive heard before
yeah the name is seriously making it lose credibility... got any suggestions? I couldn't and still can't think of a good one for it...
Thanks! :) any feedback or suggestions?
good map is good
Hey all here is my map called cuteness. The reason its called cuteness is cause the game i was in i kept saying things were cute and i couldn't...
just a suggestion but couldn't you of put a safe haven on the boat to motivate people to get there?
hey all I am trying to get one of my maps entered in the Forgetacular contest and I need 16 people for a save film can anyone help out? I'm...
Yeah I know its really plain but its kind of hard not to be its just a simplistic field, what do you think I should add ? Added after 11 Hours 14...
This gametype is just a remake of Halo 2 football If you never played it Neutral bomb in the middle dont shoot your plasma pistols only melee...
why are you guys so offended. Sex =/= bad and Violence = much worse so I don't get it lighten up its not like sex kills violence does though.
i got rid of the 'immature sex scene' and we did this instead - don't believe me then I guess you are past the point of convincing..
this is my first aesthetic map for halo reach and its got many different pieces of art in it made by different people. Each one thing was made by...