WOW, I am so glad this was featured, cause I was JUST checking out this map in the forge and thinking "wow this is awesome" Great map. I can't...
lol.. not THESE forums, just ANY forum.
I've been on forums in general for 4-5 years now; My point was he replied very childishly.
You're new to forums, aren't you...? :rollseyes:
Yeah I've heard of Nile before, listened to them a bit through Youtube but never lsitened to much of them. My metalhead buddy also likes them so...
Glad to hear that man, I really dig Kalmah.. They're the best melodic death hands down. I moved on from melodeath though, it got kind of...
Well I've seen many Coliseum type maps before, but this seems to be the best I've seen so far. Forged beautifully, and I really like the idea of...
Wowza, this looks like it took ALOT of time and effort to complete. The results are very outstanding, bravo. Also, I've always thought of Sandbox...
Very nice indeed. It's both aesthetically pleasing and looks like it supports great gameplay as well. The geomerging seems to really make a...
Hehe.. yeah. Thanks, I should of reconsidered the sword room; That was more of a last minute addition. The shotgun/camo placement was a mistake I...
Thanks for the suggestions guys, it will really help when I am designing my next map. Also, 2 images seem to be down for some reason... hmm.
Umm, it is completely enclosed. Very neatly too I may add. The overview pics are with the roof off.
I'm not usually one to bump, and.. this has made it to the second page; but honestly, no comments? None at all? I'm looking for any kind of...
Hollow Hollow is a fully enclosed medium sized map that is good for fast-paced, close quarters FFA and Team Slayer games. It is on the ground...
Ahhh, now I remember that map. It was like a HUGE Narrows. Awesomeness. When it comes to Halo PC though, I still prefer Death Island.
I'm probably not going to make a v2, however I enjoyed making this type of map and will probably take it out this time around. I'm also taking all...
If you look at my other map yeah I'm a fan of gloomy >_< It doesn't really matter though, my next map I'll probably just skip effects altogether.
Aha, this is exactly why I made such a map.. it is exactly what I wanted to play. :P It is actually a fair size, which takes up most of the...
I wouldn't really play it competitively but it seems like a fun map to play with friends and fool around on. A bit messy here and there, though.
1. Blood Gultch 2. Sandbox 3. Guardian