This map is AMAZING. the merging and looks of this map are amazing. It has a great layout, my only complaint would be the OS is on one side only....
Its basically just a random leveling game. you fight other brutes and random attacks happen to pick the winner. After you level you get a random...
Dude I thought the same thing when I played this. After the first game I realized this was one of the best maps I ever played (honestly) Its...
If anyone has their link to their brute just post it here and I'll add it to the top post to keep it all fair :)
Nice dude I downloaded your first map which was wicked hard hopefully I'll have a better chance on this new easier one haha.
I think the commanders are invincible and do no dmg, cuz I noticed you get a custom powerup when you spawn, that gives u ammo also later on....
you cant do that for exp. but why dont you get some posts in different ways besides flaming?
Ya its really fun, if you get pupils you level up even faster thats why I'm trying to get em. If yall want we could make a list of our pages so...
My Brute Hey guys I actually just found this game 2day searching the internet with the help of my bro. Its actually a really fun game that kinda...
"No mom, no, his face fell into my foot"
Mine was oblivion and PDZ got em right wen I got my xbox
lol I shouldnt say I hate forge. The things that I hate: Merging and Geomerging, getting things to line up. Haha they just frustrate me so...
I personally love the final fantasy series. Theres really nothing to hate in the first 10. They have such a well developed story and combat system...
Thanks for the welcome! and I might at well go ahead and answer the post above. Its going to be 800 Microsoft points I assume which is about 10$ US
Hey alright so I'ma go ahead here and try to follow this five step program haha. Great work on that :). Anyways I'm UoR Ov3rDose. You can just...