ummmmmm decent
definite download. sniping spot good needs mongooses, umm mongeese... what is it!
kool but lacking to big. need vehicls. external bases needed 2.
darn i was about to do this :(
graet idea. btw. . . chicken tenders... sweet and sour sauce on my body.
shock i want to play sometime. i also want to help u make a map.
heh heh "ive got the highground" slice!
un realated
ooooooooorrrrrrr : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
or Highway Hell V2 - ForgeHub Halo Forums
it is better than some maps... not as incredible as
the world needs a good swat map i want some good swat maps. Sniping spots, hiding spots and...
i love all of your maps the corkscrews are cool. make1 on avalanche. it has great parts and a whol lot of space. I can picture it now... three...
lol great map. it looks awesome. check out my buddies map his gt is ace12ace
you should make a lord of the rings map pack