First three and last four are really good!! A couple of them are a tad bright, but not enough to make it over powering.
These are not very good... waaaay too bright!
This is ****ing retarded! Keep religion out of these forums, not flip them to the opposite side of the spectrum. That won't solve anything.
Amazing... All of them!
ohhhh hahaha good one!! =)
ummm what?
Current GT: KoG DruMmiN [spoiler]
That is soooo awesome!! I love how it looks like he's sliding down a mountain on a snowboard
I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I really don't see how this is overused and it kinda bugs me when people say that sooo many things are...
Here is my latest shot... It's called Solitude. What do you guys think? Solitude "After times of anguish, many have fallen into a state of...
The are my newest screenshots. They aren't my best but let me know what you think. Flurry [IMG] Vapor [IMG]
Here is my entry: (and yes it is electricity) [IMG]
Yeah, o0JAKEOo had this screenshot before you did and no offense but I think he did it better.
Yeah... It's just a guy meleeing with the sniper and the streak comes from the plasma grenade explosion.
Agreed... except that I really like the third one. It's very original.
Looking through a needler needle?
These are both kinda boring IMO... The background is way overused and there are just soo many shots that have an explosion of a plasma grenade or...
Does it involve the explosion of a power drain?? I've seen an effect like that with the power drain... I didn't take the shot cause I thought it...
I think that scenery should be a theme!! I also think that you could choose certain maps for the theme... like all shots have to be from Orbital...
I vote for Micheal1026