congratulations most people will spend the rest of their lifes working in the same job, look for open doors, there is plenty out there. check out...
i would say i liked this map, but everytime we played on this map you kicked my ass so its a thumbs down from me. i cant let my incompatence as a...
"this is the center platform of the map and is where the shotgun spawns, don't worry about the teleporters, they wont take you any where." i...
so where did these two maps come from? has everyone got them?
is premium battle the only playlist they are putting them in?
how excited was i to see 2 new maps this morning, pity there is nothing for forgers to play with.
Someone soon is going to do somthing awsome with that lazer and we will all be head slapping :)
Bastards! i bet they spent the money hacking into sony
After CC Pybus showed me the pros of forgeing on Tempest, I like i assume alot of people nearly forgot i had the map (bloody waste of money) So...
top job, the flow on this map is as smooth as a babys ass and the rock changes have realy made a differance
you are a legend :)
Darkness escapes Fading to light. All he wanted was a place to call home A place were heroes sit on a throne Trapped in a world of guilt And to...
sure man you can add me. torched frog
indeed they do :) Tetris effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the struts.
so call of duty is not sponserd by the us army?
can you jump on the pillers around the base?
for your first map this looks really nice, if anything from me was to be said, i would say the bridge 'snipers view' looks a bit forgey, and the...
how is that quicker? to have a recent history means you have been playing all day, in this case how do you get a custom game when you have just...
i start a game of living dead (living dead players are more likley to play custom games compared to btb), back out when 3/4s of the players have...