If someone talks sh!t about a WIP, they're an idiot. Best to just ignore them.
What's the dome made from? Cylinders? Looks great.
Absolute beauty of a remake. Well deserved.
Yeah I was thinking that too, but I was not sure if scripting could achieve that as I know very little about scripting. If you think that would...
So I had a map idea, and I want some thoughts on it before I start building it. Basically it's a floating asymmetric map (lockout, guardian),...
The great thing about 2v2, imo, is that it works on a variety of sizes of maps. I too loved the pit for doubles, but I also loved Guardian for it,...
Best forerunner aesthetics I have seen so far.
We may have our differences, but I thoroughly agree with your middle two paragraphs.
Thanks a bunch goat, that's exactly what I needed. I agree with your suggestions and I'll see what I can do!
Alright, here is a Walkthrough of what I'm working on: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/cluckinho10/video/13725981 It's a 2v2, symmetrical forerunner map...
I've played both radar and no radar for just about every halo game, and I've never enjoyed no radar more than radar. It might be fundamentally...
I've always liked radar tbh. I don't see it as a big deal unless you're playing super competitively, which I don't.
I'm determined to get enough done tonight on my map that I'll be able to show you all a quick run through tomorrow night.
Why am I not surprised that's SS
I have a hunch we will see the hammer in the next update. Along with infection, grifball and a better fileshare. Also I believe it's been...
In-depth reviews are the best. Sure, it is nice when someone makes a short, positive comment, but when I see a wall of text commented on my map I...
I'd like to know this as well. I hit 130% on lightmap.
Yup. Or you can make one side look overgrown or broken. I think many 343 maps do this.
Very original. Looks great.