unique, interesting. I like how the bases are built. small and closed, but feels very well as a variable. nice job =)
Quite simple. nice and smooth map, but what i see wrong is. there's not a lot of surprise, seeing that the 4 holes are just so close together....
What the heck is this? It just looks too hard to me, and one bad step, oops. You got swallowed by a killball. Just looks too cluttered and hard...
(NOTE, THIS MAP WAS CREATED BEFORE GHOUL TOWN WAS IMPLEMENTED) Zombie Town Map Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype...
I'm with them, it's a bit hard to see. I do enjoy the closed-quarters feel or it, makes the map feel eerie. The ceiling looks like a monitor...
wow. just wow. Judging from the screenies, this map looks like it took alot of work. I really like the intricate tunnel systems and ability to...
I'm going to be honest: <inserts Constructive criticism> Well, the map just seems a bit, empty, judging from the screenshots. I like the free open...
umm... well.. I was use some constructive criticism. This map looks very easy, it seems a bit too wide spaced (but seems good for vehicle...
looks like a re-do to me, nice shot though =)
wow. i have to say, this is amazing. a must-download for me =D
try haloscreenshots.net put in your gamertag, and your pictures will be available to use from that site
just use it as a death zone. i would
just go it slow, and you'll be fine. make sure to pick up a BR or carbine for easy headshots. and try to kill the arbiter at the beginning of the...
that looks really pretty. *saves to my pictures folder*
anything higher than 4, just seems too jerky
Race map anyone? =D
very awesome picture. but even if Halo 4 was made, it wouldn't be created by Bungie, it might be made under another company such as Ensemble studios.
there's no way it could be in july. Maybe September, the earliest
awesome to hear "Jordan" =D
now these are the maps i like. big, open, and easy to navigate. very well done.