Question: How is it possible for organisms to gain chromosomes? Um... Newton's First Law? No. According to his logic there had to be something...
It's not really fair since they only get enforced on the losers. ex. **** concentration camps vs. Japanese American camps.(yes ****'s were much...
YouTube- Erasure Always
If we're gonna put rules on it why not just make it a game(like football or soccer)?
I <3 irony.
This is just my opinion but... this thread should have been locked way back here.
So when I have a kid he could have wings, because it is theoretically possible for extreme genetic mutations to take place? Why?
but you don't even have any of that lovely, elusive "data" to make that case. I can say the whole universe works because of many many invisible...
Yes. ^This is the answer to your question.^ we get these ideas of how things should be that don't mean anything. Good and bad are such general and...
Personally I'm deterministic but I don't think this thread needs that side of things. However, realistically we have free will. You see you have...
No. Rocks elsewhere are the same as rocks here, because the definition of rock doesn't change. If somewhere else you find something that doesn't...
You need some psychiatric help. I'm being totally serious, not just elaborately calling you a crazy. If you really think that humans are evil and...
Ummm..... What? This makes no sense. The condition doesn't necessitate the conclusion. in any way. it's like saying, "If we have the technology...
O really? lets look at the thought process. Racist crime-- I hate those dirty mexicans/blacks/latins/whites! They should all die! *kills one* vs....
All crimes are hate crimes. What makes one more hateful than the other? I'd bet almost any day that the guy who killed his wife's lover is more...
yes they get listens/plays, but if there is no inflow of money then that doesn't do them squat.
So here's what you really said. So you can't deny the fact that all of history has been influenced by "god" and religion in general . You know...
Yes, I would just love to drink myself to kidney failure, get herpes from a hooker, kill everybody, od on heroine, hold up a convenience store,...
You must have a very low self-esteem and be very conceited to think that humans screwed up the world in like what 30,000 years vs the whatever it...
I don't have a lot of time so I'll just give the short answer. No, happy isn't the same as love. Happy is an emotion. Love is also an emotion but...