ehh I was having a little bit of a bad day so I am sorry about the post. some of the comments just irritated me. I will use a scenereo for. Its...
I have slideshows on the map threads. you know what nvm. you guys are even worse then people. I was doing you guys a favor and showing you...
wow I just thought it would be more convenient for the forum if I put the maps in one thread my bad. also there is a slide show on all the linked...
there is a slideshow of pics on all the thread links and I will go back and edit the first post once I figure out what I did wrong
I posted this in the competitive map thread also but I thought it could belong in here too. I did not want to make a thread for each map because I...
I am new to this site so I thought I would introduce myself by showing you guys some of the maps I have made. I am a stickler for gameplay, and...
New to this site and not sure how you guys want us to add our maps so if someone could tell me that would be great. Do I just put some links on...