C0RRUPTI0N, this map is completely maxed on the item limit. As the map got near completion we found ourselves trying to find ways to rearrange...
Wow, thanks for all the kind words guys. Zombievillan, We really appreciate the input and we're definitely gonna go back and look at the things...
Hey guys, I helped design this map and i understand how have a smooth map helps with nice fluid gameplay, but part of the idea we were going for...
MLG Rejected Designed by Rmc97, zgriffin22, and de AiRiK This is map is set up to handle just MLG Team Slayer. It's not really good for...
I don't see anywhere where they say it's not allowed but if it isn't then we can just create separate accounts, somebody just let me know, it's...
We just thought it would be simpler to have one account since our maps are usually a collaberative effort anyway. Plus I'm usually the one going...
Hello there! My name is Rob and I just wanted to do a quick introduction. This is a joint Forge Hub account for me and my friend, Zach. My GT...
The whole close quarters gameplay isn't really my cup of tea, but I definitely think that this is a well-made map and that your forging skills are...
A7X? really? I never thought that people would pin Zacky Vengence and Synyster Gates worthy of the title "Guitar Heroes". A7X has gone downhill...
I think matchmaking would be sweet if they managed to have like 4-6 assassins working to kill one another while there's a crowd of random...
Thanks for your comments so far guys. Question about the custom powerup/OS. If I change it to a custom powerup will the MLG game variants...
Hey guys. First post here on FH so be gentle okay? lol This map is something that me and a couple friends put together. The map consists of an...