$500 bones? dafuq FH get moneys from? When I was your age all we gave out was.. ****, I honestly can't remember? Probly just the assurance you...
what's up dumdums?
Glad to see some features, at long last! look like quality maps. Definitely going to check out Ark. A bit of criticism about the video: It uses...
I'm aware I have no power over the situation. That doesn't mean I can't make my opinion heard. You of all people should know that. It's not an...
the oldest Roku is still fantastic. It's fast and has all the same channels the newer models do. I know, because I have it. It's $50 w/ free...
I know it's most likely not something in your personal control, but that's absolutely absurd. It's such an easy thing to accomodate that you know...
Oh, we have an updated main page! I don't count long delayed announcement of what the tournament maps will be as actual featured maps. I want to...
I don't think Chromecast can currently stream Youtube. I think they've just promised that it will soon. At any rate, a Roku box is still a FAR...
Holy hell feature some maps already.
the shoutbox should read from top to bottom, in chronological order, just like those who read in english actually read. Having it any other way is...
Also, remove the ****ing profanity filter, you ****s.
Even with sigs and avatars diabled, I still think there's just too much wasted space on the forums. This isn't just an FH thing, but rather my...
Fix the Shoutbox.
the****outtahere. that is an insane statement, subjective or not. it's cool. But it's most certainly not: -great -better than any other movie a...
1. Fix the Shoutbox 2. Revamp the staff with people who genuinely want to be here (what little i know about the current staff is pretty positive,...
I don't know why you feel you are entitled to that information. It's literally none of your business if Kajin sells or keeps the site. Literally....
Spoilers within spoilers are the worst. Ya gotta change that, man. I clicked on 2 spoilers, then quit cause I realized there was like 10 more and...
What's the point of making an all natural map if you don't try to make the map look all natural? I'm not trying to be a smart ass, but you might...
Wait- why is it called Boulder?