Would anyone be interested in playing some friendly conquest customs today? Add me, A VVild Pokemon, and when I get enough people, we can start...
After reading that Team Control would be the next DoubleEXP weekend (following Grifball this weekend) I decided it might be a good idea to put...
This map truly deserved the feature. The geomerging is flawless, and the map flows well. I think we all knew it was coming, I remember seeing a...
The cylinder looks like the hill from King of the Hill
Who isn't listening to the 400th one? It's going to be wicked.
Yeah, ASOT FTW!!!
You know, you're right...how would I go about making the whole map higher above the grid?
I know that there is a way around the problem, but the fact remains....sometimes you WANT to use the 'Walls' as 'Floors' for certain purposes....
Whoever said a Pokemon MMO, I salute you. You and me man, we can make our own Pokemon MMO. It will sell BETTER than hotcakes. Need For Speed: Most...
I apologize for not knowing how to post the image, but you can see the one i entered Here I was really a big fan of your 'Charge' one, as well...
I was really disappointed when I saw/heard that there were issues with Forge on Sandbox of all maps. I really hope the crooked-ness bug gets...
While I'm not in a position to be able to provide pictures for now, I will be sure to post some when I get home today, so keep an eye on this thread!
That really does help, but I'm also wondering what structures/designs lead to more flow. I should be more clear I guess, My structures tend to...
With the advent of Sandbox, my forging has skyrocketed, and I don't know what to do with all of the ideas bouncing around in my head. My biggest...
It was probably just a glitch. Did you delete it, and try again with the same results?
I think more people should read this. I've been lurking around as a guest on this site for a few months now, and the number of times I see map...
Pokemon is the biggest franchise ever...I don't think anyone should be ashamed to play it...
If you're looking to actually design your own signature, I would suggest using an editing software like Adobe Photoshop. If you just want to edit...
I second the "Pictures in map threads" statement. Please. I hate looking at a map and the first five comments are "Your post is not up to ForgeHub...
I really have a fondness for maps with overhead walkways and lots of vertical combat. I know it isn't much to go on, but since you've already...