Woo you got it posted. I love this map. This map is very fun with any amount of people. Even when we did a 2v2 it kept me entertained and I...
16) Forget to delete the dummied objects while ghost merging, and I end up with floating objects all over during testing. 17) Forgot that I...
I think I get it. Do you mean something like the center building in Derail in MW2? That's the closest thing I can think of to what your saying.
I see what you're saying, but I guess the only way to find out is through some testing. As for the rest of the map what do you suggest? I have...
I've thought about that. And I'm restricting the map to mongooses, the 2 warthogs, a ghost, and a chopper to still be added. This is exactly how...
So as Reach is just around the corner (and I finally got bored of COD), I thought I would finish up all my unfinished forge projects. This one I'm...
Wow I loved this puzzle map, it took me about 2 games to finally finish it the first time, but I kept going back to try and find new ways to...
Actually he said that vehicles are destructible, but what happens when one banshee blows up? The other one can just score all the points and win....
Finally I have been waiting for this feature, and it definitely deserves it. This is one of my favorite maps and I've had it on my HD since I...
My inspiration comes from many places, although only a select few things even get started on forge, and most of them never get completed anyway....
Wha wuz dat?! [IMG] Treasure! [IMG]
I signed onto FH today expecting the usual and all the ordinary.... but this just makes my day lol. Another great map by Menace. Onto the map...
This project is a series of maps I started maybe about a month to a month and a half ago. With the rise of the Hub of the Dead contest I decided...
Wow a great read to lower my anxiety... I can't sleep right now. Anywho I think that the guide was great. It's given me a much new outlook on my...
Aggro Crag [spoiler] As for me, it seems like it would be a challenge to get all the details straight. And what would you want the map to play...
The best way I can see this happening is starting out as a 4v4, and then every time you die you would switch to the team that killed you, until...
I have to say this is the most epic minigame ever... I can see my buds and I gettin lots o' lols out of this. It's like the MLG octagon.... only...
1. The Hollow 2. Messiah 3. Totem 4. Artifacts 5. Metropolis
Ok I just found a way to make this glitch a little easier. I didn't read the last 300 sumthin posts+ so if anyone else figured this out already...
MLG Infinity MLG Infinity is a map located in the skybubble of Sandbox. I spent about 4 days working on this version of the map, and already...