Thats why theres the crypt and the camping spot... I think to give the alpha zombie a chance ill leave the attack hornet but might remove the...
errr not to be stupid but how do i add a poll?
im trying to neaten up the objects and i found only 1 major problem... the zombies can camp on the teleporter where the humans appear out of the...
True... well i only have 2 cheap friends that will do that and 1 A-Hole friend that will probaly camp for more then 5 kills... feel free to edit...
The over shields are for show, (and for show in the crypt) plus i gave the humans pistols. to make it easier ill just change to shotties. plus i...
Added Gametype Notes, Placed Objects Are Actually Sturdy, If you want ill show you the map on live. And thanks for the good-feedback support leads...
turn contrast up on your TV... thats what i did when i beta tested... camping problem was updated in that game that i had earlier and i fixed the...
wut if u put fusion couls held down by weap holders and just shoot them and they blow up the grav lift?
THis actually doesnt look horrible (though un-original) and the humans can just camp their hearts away above ground and not go into the bunker...
Sand Castle: Long long ago the ancients built a massive fortress in the sky along with an altar high above. The only way to get to the fortress is...
I always seem to have trouble piloting the thing. is it because im not supposed to get in the hornet until fully in the air? thats probaly it.
I use Default because it's what i got used to. 3 sensitivity (10 if im playing a custom game of infection or matchmaking teamsnipers due to it's...
X out the immoveable objects one. that one i didnt mean to add once i took a second look but I think that you did "abuse" putting objects into the...
Request move to aesthetics? looks more like a minigame/aesthetic map but it has high-reply value 9/10
hmmmm... I alwas hated the OLN on every map. I wonder if their is a glitch to surpass it? ill note that for later... but anyway adding another...
If you could add another layer (to make it look thicker) maybe it wouldnt bother me XD that might be the reason, it looks pretty thin and most...
:( I disliked it (not hated but disliked) I think you abused Immovable objects and Geomerging 2/5 or 3/10. Crossed out due to stupidity and lack...
It's legal T.T your just redownloading it on your xbox. nothing Illegal 'bout that.
well ill try it again, i was pretty sure it worked because my friend just did it not too long ago (like a couple days) and he was playin on em so...
well it did work for me until my profile was glitched and now it wont let me play the CoD5 maps or anything on my buddies or brothers profile on...