Gamertag: BoE DarkImpulse Times you can get on: It's summer, mostly all day. Mic yes/no?: Yes. Something describing yourself: Uh. I'm an decent...
Woot. I'm back, somewhat. (I will be moving back and forth from Xforgery, and ForgeHub.) Egg.. If you didn't read the last 30+ Pages, We can't...
I'd say I am picking out of two. Strife, and Affray. Hmmm.
Wow, this is a great looking map. It sorta seems like you took your track skills and put them to use here. (The Giant walk ways) And I really love...
Hey guys, I think this is a great idea. Hope you can help me. I will try to help later if I can. Map Style: One Bomb/One Flag (With Conquest...
Okay, I know I seem like I am praising Meta here, but his spawn system is very good. I will explain. All zombies start out in what he calls a "fun...
Recon, I will do that, but I am not alound on computer unless doing some last minute homework, and I am going camping so I might start it monday...
Well, I haven't posted here in a long time. I have some thoughts, and maybe some idea. Game Type I would say that we build around Meta's...
I agree with Meta, don't like the name "Left 4 Halo" Although we should have something catchy. Recon: I think we should have a list of the...
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been active on the forums as of late, but I have been busy with my grade 9 exams and such. Well, over the time I haven't...
I had a little idea for the zombie spawns. There are three floating spawns about three tunnels. (Smoker, Hunter, and Boomer) And you will randomly...
I agree with Meta, we need to disregard personal styles, and pick one that suits the Boomer as an AI. THe AI Boomer usually waits around a corner...
I can agree with that, Boomer, Maybe Plasma Pistol (Claw) and Flare (Puke)
If we keep the boomer in, I would go with flare. But a flame based Zombie actually sounds cool.
Meta, I have a problem with that. It only happens in your map, since your spawn system is easier to understand, but for example, in my map, the...
As of right now, there is four, they are listed at the first page, under May 17th update.
Reserved for new infomation
Crypttacular Map Pack! :omg: What is the Crypttacular Map pack?: The Crypttacular map pack is a map pack I am releasing. It takes place over...
Hey man, I played a game with a couple of friends, and well, the gameplay just didn't feel right... The special infected just seem like more of a...
This is just what I would want, but anyways. 1) Choose to be one, or normal zombie 2) Zombies, just have normal sheilds, Humans, really high, no...