Mista he only used 2 of the pre-made buildings. a bit of a waste of blocks, but his choice. overall it doesn't look like a very uniform...
dude i haven't made them in so long. ill see if i have time
nope. i never found the time and when I did i didn't feel like doing all the geo-merging. and plus i dont have some of the skill to make parts of it
wait wait wait. why is there a warthog for one person. i am confuzzled. is there a way to cut the spartan in half and have one half drive while...
i think simulating **** zombies is gonna b pretty hard since during the later levels they start running fast with 100s of zombies at a time. but...
its a good attempt, but making a forge based map remake which is really just an empty map on another forge based map is pointless. remake a map...
Its in the featured section. or go through the news feed cuz its also in the forgotten treasures i think. and this is not the place to post these...
Hey guys, I haven't posted here in a few months because of my decrease in forging and such and such. I was looking through my old maps and found...
its taking a bit. my time is crunched cuz i have an exchange student chillin with me 24/7. but im getting through them. i through 4/8
im not gonna b able to put the unicorn in the rank.
y r there those mancannons facing the wall. do they serve any purpose?
im sry to everyone who has asked for a rank. ive been in france for three weeks and haven't had a chance to make everything. hold tight and ill...
its cuz he's never downloaded it yet he gives it a rating
for this to be up to forgehub standards. u need to have at least one embedded picture. u have to have it fixed in 24 hours or a mod will infract u...
this in no way improves ur br. and that action shot is embarrassing. i like how u tested it and realized that u don't improve by shooting at...
id say that the track is way to skinny. remember the rule of double wide. somebody on an 8 person race would fall of instantly
thnx dude. this isn't exactly my first one. ive done a few, but im just ramping up how much time i spend on photoshop. this is i think the 4th...
I just finished making this, and I'd like to know if you guys have any suggestions. [IMG] I just got photoshop, so don't be too tough
go read some of the posts on ur latest racemap and remember my points about posting. its kinda funny to see people post
can u subcategorize it in jumping maps. puzzle maps and jumping maps r kinda on the same page