1 post 2 post 3 post 4 post 5 post i like bunnies 6 post 7 post if only i were breaking rules by double posting, o well 8 post all...
what he said^. perhaps you ran it over with your chair. I did that to my previous headset unknowingly, and it broke.
i think that Obama is doing the right thing. he turned the page on the last 8 years of US history under Bush, whom i did not like. Plus, if he...
the math is easier with the metric system, but will people know exsactly how far a kilometer is or a cm is or a decameter? i know prettymuch how...
i definatly agree with you. forge should be more like a cad program where things can be shifted by lengths and degrees. there should be a grid...
i agree with buddhacrane: organised religion is the religion that causes all of the problems, and all the fighting. if everyone had their own...
sigh, cant xbox come out with something better? i already have a wii, i dont need another in the form of an xbox. furthermore, half the time i...
www.tigerdirect.com has quite a bit of good parts for sale cheap. In my opinion i would say wait until the end of the year when windows 7 comes...
i think thats a sick nasty background, and about the box next to the moon, why dont you incorperate it into the picture? maybe add some text to...
try saving changes and quiting the game, then restart in forge, then start a new round. for some reason it always puts me at a default spawn point...
to create a random weapons box just put a weapon holder down and put every weapon into it. they will all stack together. im not sure how to...
^what he said. let me google it for you....
good ship, but you should consider interlocking your pieces. it justs adds to the smoothness of the map, especially on the floor. a smooth floor...
im impressed by this map, it seems well thought out and has enough cover and weapons for the humans to survive for a nice fight.
its very inovative and well made, but its still grifball. i like the map, but i don't like grifball much, but overall you did good.
im impressed. you were the first person ive seen to actually have some guts and make a map on assembly, and, well, it didnt turn out to bad.
it looks terrible in that picture, but anyways, in ODST people will be able to play wearing recon armor(im pretty sure), and after its release, we...
sick nasty, i cant wait to see how the other two maps turn out in the new map pack.
i think the gloves not having fingers is just for looks, and im really exsited about the new visor type things you get and the new weapon set....
i just saw the Halo ODST trailer, and whadda ya know, theres a iron sight type thing on the one assault rifle type weapon, just wait for ODST....