Jpec07, thanks for your reply, i'm going to definitley remake this in the crypt as well. Big team, Multi team and team games. If anyone want's...
Both methods seem fairly striaght forward, i might have my work cut out to get this done in budget, based on the scale of the floor i need to...
I'm working on this It's a three floored pyramid, some of the floors are free floating, but what i want to do is geomerge the floors to the are...
I always thought the cap stone that covers the hole down to the crypt was the center point of sandbox. It isn't! I have a version of...
I was think about this very same thing the other day. Hope we see it in the super secret new title.
Looks really good, and very faithful to the original. Great work guys! I only have a couple of comments I guess the missile pod area is on the...
I originally posted this into the Casual maps forum, seems that wasn't the right forum as this map is a work in progress. Let me know what you...
Don't you mean? ____ \ / ___^ ^_____ _ = floor ^ = grav lift / \ = block angled large or w/e. so you go up it pushed u left u go up it pushes...
I've been thinking about this since everyone replied. I believe the most budget friendly way would be to split the lift in half. Rather than it...
I was thinking about making a remake of ivory tower, but the only part of the map that i don't think i could get really stuck with is the Elevator...
Thanks for your comments, I've gotta try and get my head around sorting out game types. I've added a over head floor plan to the original post.
Ix Massacre xxI, can you elaborate on your sloppy comment? There are things i am looking to fix, like getting the floors square and addressing...
Ok, so it's a working title, but also it's my first attempt ever at making a map. There are currently no weapon placements or game types set up....
Hey all. If i want to get some feed back on a map i'm building in sandbox, which forum should i be posting in? If your interested in having...
Hey all Onebitrocket here, I'm a 30 year old Graphic Designer from the UK. I've been looking round the forums for some time and tinkering about...