just read the post and you might find out.and you should do that more often so people dont mad at you for having no common*sense
Gamertag:sgt bk scrandy3 fav colour:purple&gold character:spartan reason:because i love my dazzle capture card:yes
hey dude mabye me and you can play a game sometime
hey guys was up i have not been on in a long while....because evil geek squad keeps killing my laptop.Well my name is trever and i am 12....and no...
:joker:hello forgers, i need a team of forgers to make maps and to have a good time playing together. my gt is ligt sicknez ex i will send u a fr...
i used to come on forge hub every day untill my computer got killed by evil geek squad at best buy but now i have a new one i will be testing maps...
i whould like rackem to do my sig image:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details but i whould like if you did a kinda redishpurple effect text: fallout...
hey i was makeing a new map mabye we can team up to make it good tell me what you think
can you stop spaming that is not good for our fourms
great looks on the map i give 4.5/5
hey i might be able to help you make duck hunt tower v2
yay pic work now good forgeing 4.0/5.0
your pic are not working so go hereHalo Screen Shots then type in your gt after that selcet your pic copy the bb code and paste it
nice intro have a warm welcome and your skybox projects i can help you with
great interlocking this is very fun just why did you name it pill box i give it 5/5
awesome clan meeting place good thing i have a clan of 10 people so far thx for map and game type i give 10/10
:scout::scout::recon::recon::markv:http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/F63C4B0686C9EDA14D07AA436669D0ED/"][IMG]so[/url] tell me what you think...
i am makeing a new machimina and i need a recorder/editer and 11 actors i will be haveing tryouts this weekend so before that fill out this app:...
hey i can mostly help you 4hrs a day so im in my gt is guns n roses458
very fun game type i usely play it on docking staion