Okay from some videos I saw, I noticed an item that looked like a rack that let you hang weapons on the wall, but I can't find it and I think I'm...
Okay so I figure people can answer this for me since I know some of y'all have the game. Will the armor codes effect everyone on the xbox like the...
Fallout is a map that was made pre ghostmerge, in fact the first version was made pre merge or at least before I new how to merge. When I made...
First of all welcome to forgehub. You posted this in the wrong section if you ask a mod im sure they would move it for you. I'm not that sure...
That's the on I needed or at least thats a version of the one I needed I found the version I wanted though. Thanks
I accidentally copied over my sandbox canvas and I was wondering if someone could give me the link to it, it was the one with all the towers...
I was wondering the same thing, I don't know why I even put that map in the pole, it fails for forging. I should have put a pre dlc map such as...
I've had an ultimate budget glitched map that when I deleted an item it didn't let me place anything at all, it was an OLN map and I don't know if...
For most items it will mess the glitch up but I've had times where it let's me delete an object, it also depends on how the map is glitched.
I started thinking about what map I like forging on the most. I thought of the most popular maps I see and they all have huge differences. The...
Thanks for the comment Crypto, I was planning on redoing or adding to the blue base I just can't come up with an idea for it.
I started this map about a week ago but haven't spent that much time on it, I'll probably post it in about two weeks if I have enough time to work...
This looks like a great map the aesthetics get a 5/5, the originality gets a 5/5, i can't rate on gameplay yet do to the fact that I haven't...
Your links are not working, please fix them.
I agree with FreshLegend they should have made Recon DLC, they could have easily charged 99,999 for it like Johnson, that way you can have it...
I somehow got mine when I entered the Bungie vs. The World playlist, and I had 0 exp. in it. I think it just glitched or something.
Johnson went with the Chief to Delta Halo, meaning he wouldn't be there for the engineer to light his cigar.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the timeline of Halo 3 and the cutscene at the end of the credits in ODST don't match up. The end of ODST is when...
So does this mean that if I have Recon and setup a LAN party while playing on LAN it won't show up?
This looks like an amazing remake, but like a lot of the people above me, I think you need to go in and clean some of the things up. Just the...