Wow that is sooooo accessible -_-
Well XForgery, formally known as Halo3Forgery, already added whole sections for Far Cry 2.I say that forge hub could live a long life,but I still...
In my opinion it looks biased the way maps are featured its like here are the staff's maps!and some others as well just to deviate from us looking...
No, we don't mind.We don't care if you port maps from one site to another. That is completely biased.Horrendously so.
When have I been competitive? If you read his posts they just sound biased. I love H3F more then forge hub, but I also love forge hub. I just hate...
Well I don't want you either for the fact that you actually said more better. :haha:
Rawr.But if we kill you then we get to eat you and im hungryyyy.............:omg:
I still love this map and I really want to help anyway I can on any new ones you have coming up Gollum
I don't see how you explain that.It Doesn't look like a Wii to me.
The mod did and his reason for editing was "wow." XD
Please dont quote anything that large and stretch the page 0.o
There was not one thing I disliked about the update and I love the new dash update and love the avatars which are not a ripoff IMO.
I am looking forward to Terrain ;]