the screenshot is alright could use more effects but i like it
ya i know its similar but try placing many objects in there like flares and lasers
i will post the lnk once i put it in my fileshare probobly next weekend
founded by me(a harmless bird), greentreecko08, and judgement zombie load up citadel with any effects on and do the turret glitch under the map...
i got a name for the scarab one "returniing home' like its being picked up
its alright 3.5/5
ya ill take it my gamertag is a harmless bird
i rate them all 2/5 they are original but theres really no main focus sorry for originality i give 4 out of 5
who likes this screenshot and i havent had time to make a photobucket l8ly so is it ok if i use bungie net once? : Halo 3 Service...
lol i never saw them b4
ok but wat do u think of it and idh a photobucket
heatwave : Halo 3 Service Record of a harmless bird
all i no is it is by the smoke on blackout
3 out 5 next time get a close up
well wat about this one[IMG] or this[IMG]
rate the screenshot from 1 to 10 [IMG] i used it on the magic wall on avalanche
hey i like em
heres a screenshot for it [IMG]heres 1 or 2 screenshots i took u can use