Last Stand Gordofrog [IMG] Minigame
A while back I needed to make a email account for a couple of things, but i hadn't thought up any kind username in advance, so I used the help...
How about a competitive puzzle map, two teams try to beat the other to the middle by getting through obstacles.
Well it looks good, alot of humor in it, but it's way too much like red versus blue, Clemp and Hills are almost exactly like Grif and Simmons
I think missile pod is better because, in my opinion, those rocket based weapons should be used just for the biggest prey such as vehicles. The...
Like I said, if the zombies are dumb enough to get close enough, the spartans can slice their heads off
Very nice, the AT-ATs look nice and it seems like some really hectic gameplay would come from this. The middle looks a little open though.
Probably one of the best challenge maps, the best part is easily the golf ball thing cause it's so original, definitely a dl from me
Loved the first one and this one looks like a great improvement on the idea, only problem I ever had with the first one was my friends all kinda...
Well I've found that the spartans start pretty crowded, but most of the players are weeded out quickly, leaving only the smartest and luckiest...
Well waffle, I think half the beauty of this map is it's simplicity, and command, they can fight back if the persians are stupid enough to get...
It looks really good, and for once I think someone pulled off an effect on a forge map Ill dl and tell how I think it plays
For Velheka, I made it so they could do this, it's a horrible strategy because your an easy target, but some people really like to risk it
Bear lasts 3 minutes or till death, Lions are alphas and tigers are regular
As a spartan you can get more mobility by pushing a barricade off and going with it, you spawn on the roof of the structure
To solve the spawn kill problem, you could make the people spawn in the air and then fall to the base roof
At the moment my xbox live isn't working for some weird reason, but ill post all that when I get it working again
By the way, this map, like all my Sandbox maps, has a hidden golf club on as an easter egg
Scottish, you can post more than 3 a week, all four in my sig were posted within a week Also, this map sounds good, so im gonna try it out and...
The post alone was epic, the weapon box looks really nice and original, Im definitely dling