You sir, are my Hero. I completely overlooked Forgehub as a place to troll.
He put it as Foundation V2. This implies that he thinks that version two of Foundation would be a circle, rather that a square.
This map looks rather good, although I am giving the name a fail. Does the armour on the warthogs come off if you pick up speed?
There doesnt need to be a guide for this, as this was the first method of Geo-Merging before we realised you could just use a door.
I like what you have done, but it just seems to be missing a point. We already have a lockout remake done by Bungie and theirs does have the...
Too many firing lines. Sanctuary was far harder to line up a shot in. This looks like it would be as easy as pulling the trigger. Other than that,...
While I like the effort you have put into this, isnt the whole point of a mongoose to go fast? I dont see how you could achieve that here.
Sorry, but you really need screenshots embeded or this will be locked. You have 24hours.
Nice idea. I've always liked zombie maps which try to do something diffrent.
Thanks, but comments withuot proper thought or insight will result in the Eskimoes mobilizing their teeth hunting droids. You have been warned.
Rofl, this looks hacked. Thats both a complement, and question.
What I got to the point in the map where I realised it would becoming a choke point that people would camp the hell out of, I found that I just...
I have thought about making this in MLG rule set, but decided the size and layout of the map was inappropriate for them.
Thanks, I like to think they were the best way to prevent cheating.
Dont worry, this map is bad spelling proof. Also, the question about the man cannons was answered at the bottem of the last page.
I must have started this about 6 months back, but about 2months into building I got pissed off at halo and quit for a while. I came back like a...
May I please ask as to where this pit with ball is? I have been trying to work out what you mean by your comment and I am stumped.
While this map is very well forged, I have to say that it seems rather uninspired. What sets this map apart from all the other maps that get...
The ones that point into the arena are there to prevent fools from jumping between the platforms. Were they not there, in a game of multiflag, I...
Blasphemous Weapons on Map: 1 Spartan Laser 4 Battle Rifles 1 Sword 1 Mauler 6 Spike Grenades 6 Frag Grenades 1 Power Drain 1 Regenerater...