I thnk so, it makes callouts and stuff lots easier.
Transit by Deathstar OG Unbroken Sovereignty by Rifte Gifle
This is a very very very very very good map. i love how well you put the theme in, the map plays disturbingly well to. It's nice to see MLG guys...
I think one of the biggest problem I've faced while playing this is that people don't know they can get in the falcons. other than that this is a...
That's 2 diferent things. the only reason why they could use professional CGI is because they hired a professional to do it for them. Anyways, I...
Ah well I got it done.. definetly avoiding H264 though, it destroyed the video quality.
ahaha... if you understand it and know what the easter egg is, that's really funny! Won't give it away, but just saying I lol'd. hint=you need to...
alright so I've got a video and it's 6 mintues long in HD and the file size is 9GB. I need to upload it onto Youtube but I don't know how to...
It's the mix of the tediousness of having to tap jump over and over mixed with the frustrtring challenge of trying to shoot people you only have a...
I can already take some guesses at the blured out ones. knife, ammo belt..
congrats on the feature... i was wondering how long it would take to happen :P
wanna know what the best part is? He's at a party right now. reason being, it's his freakng birthday today. lol he'll love it when he sees this...
i've been lurkin this thread for a while any updates yet dude? The dolphin looks so sick but the part with the columns worries me cause it looks...
Oh, the irony in this made me lol. he said directly in the post, you were a mairne... blurring/sharpening also adds more of a focal to the picture...
I'm the gold elite in the intro :) loved this map even only having played it a couple times, it really stands out against most other casuals out...
itès easier when you use big objects like tubes or wedge longs, ect. You may need extra objects for one of them because it has a short death...
It sucks when you have people who have made great maps but are not getting very uch attention for it from thne fact that itès on Rats Nest. I had...
I know this is a bit off topic but how or why did you post it if fileshares arent working??
this friday I think?
I don't think anybody sets their preferences lol :P imo it just promotes online trolling.