i played the first 1 with my friend pel and some of his other friends. i loved it probably mostly cuz i love the real codwaw **** zombies and you...
oooh pel i loved the first doomstownberg but this looks even better! i see you changed the screen fx to makeit easier to see. that is good cuz b4...
i like it when people make mappacks. i like how u have a vid for every map to. colma- colma is really cool like good forging and everything but it...
hey pel i like this new map for your cool onslaught gametype. it looks really neat and fun and i espesially like the power core things u made with...
ooo this looks good pel i like it more than ur narrows one and it plays real nice. i like how u made it on a predlc map insted of sandbox. that is...
hey this looks good pel. i like the game and the map is good to. this looks real fun can we play it later
looks like a good map and was fun to play. its hard to see but it makes it scary. i like the church alot and the firy building is cool too. 5/5
he pel wat you been up to on your maps
the ship that you made it is very good and everthing is staight i would give it a 9.5 out of 10
this map is awesome, man. you should make more maps like this. you and Puppythiefer did a good job making this. i like the shotgun hall and the...
hey pel this map is awesome i enjoyed playing on it with you and nothing at all is uneven
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol:
hey the map is nice and big and it seems like a pritty nice of a map to mess around on. lollollol :)
Hey val its DeadEye95, dude this is a nice map PELGORE showed me this and i thought it was awesome. lollollol :)
Hey PLEGORE give me a heads up when you post up ypur next map alright. lollollollol :)
hey are you on?
this map is awesme because it has good symmetry and it has good weapon place ment. it also pwns da noobs. overall 9.5/10