The first thing I did after downloading your map was go into forge and delete the visual effects, I've never been a fan of them, hurts the eyes....
The name "sniper tower" has nothing to do with how good a spot it is for sniping. It was given that name because that's where the sniper spawns....
Wow, this looks amazing! Very nice map design, especially the jumps and teleporter routes. I absolutely love Quake, and it makes me so happy when...
ROFL at the name, that's awesome!! :P Very nice man, looks fun, reminds of the space maps in Quake 3. Why change the perfection that is platforms...
I am also interested in the answer to this question. The large amount of glass you have used especially concerns me. From a pure design...
Hey man Ran through the map. Very nice. Like you mentioned, there isn't **** everywhere to break up the flow of the map. But straight to the...
If you use his gametype, it will give the player a 300% damage modifier (mimicking the quad damage power-up). The rest of the settings in his...
Is the juicy filter on your map, or is that just for the screenshots? I can't stand any kind of visual filter, I've seen maybe one or two maps...
lol Here I am browsing forge hub at 6 in the morning and I find this :D If your Xbox stays fixed you should take the roof off the map to get some...
Major respect for going back and fixing framerate problems, can't wait to try out this version!
Awesome work man, runs smooth, no z-fighting, extremely accurate to the original. EDIt Actually, one issue I did find after going back and...
Already a Halo 2 map called Relic, I suggest you change the name.
I play a lot of splitscreen with friends, and I have to say that this is one of the best maps for 4 player splitscreen FFA that we have found so...
Best Sandbox map. Period.
Depends on the map, but I prefer guide walls. Consistency in lifts and mancannons is really important if you want people to move smoothly through...
I always forge offline. And I haven't tried walls yet (becuase of the things I've heard about their spawning issues, among other reasons). I've...
What is the best way to make a completely flat floor in the Skybubble? In other words, how do you prevent players from doing that little "hop"...