I've gotten two reviews from the Tester's Guild (one before release, one after) and they both mentioned the 4x4 block pieces. I'll swap those out...
Map Name: Westfield Plaza Westfield Plaza is a symmetrical arena-style map set in the grassy area above the coliseum. The central area is an...
I found this out a while ago making a CTF map on that same area, but it happened to me with a Coliseum wall in the top right corner (from where...
Quandary is set in the Canyon of Forge World, forged in the area that comprises Blue base on Hemorrhage. Quandary is an optimal size for standard...
It was my understanding that the brothel was also her imagination. Hence the dramatic change in scenery, including Blue getting that ugly mustache...
I'm currently working on a 4-way version of Haloball that would be good for 4 teams of 2-3 players. It would probably fit well in the Multi-team...
Best timing I got for a single run up to the last segment was about 8 minutes. I kept missing the first platform or sliding off of it and dying...
Thanks. I appreciate obstacle maps. I designed a few myself for Halo 3. One of them is still sitting in my signature, if you wanted to try it out....
Nice try! You left out "for farming credits" on the green text. So that's "think before you called someone a douchebag for farming credits when...
I kept dying on the kill balls. I imagine it's sprint jump off the cliff, deactivate sprint, land on the first platform, then sprint jump and do...
It took me about 15 minutes to get past the first part. Then I was completely lost on what to do in the teleporter part. I'll figure it out....
I'll take this challenge. Aww you tricky little.. I see what you did there with the teleporter.
I'm glad we have similar motivations. You don't have to claim you know why someone is doing it. My initial response was aimed at Neoshadow and...
Well excuse me for not being so specific in my first post. I was generalizing Neoshadow's post about "commendations or credits" by saying...
I don't know why you'd make the assumption that I (or we) care. And because I like analyzing things, just for the heck of it. I just wanted...
So if I'm holding the ball, dancing around mid court while my teammates kill you, you're able to tell that I'm doing it for credits, instead of...
But at what point can you differentiate between those? You can't, reliably. That was my point.
The point of Grifball is to score a bomb plant, not to get kills. Still, it's annoying to me, and that's my opinion. It's not to you, and that's...
Sure it's a legitimate strategy.. but it's still annoying. If spawn camping were an intended feature, you'd get medals for killing people as soon...
Yea I'd call you unlucky then. It's usually me, 2 friends, and one random. Sometimes we'll get 4 of us together in a party for Grifball, but not...