Well, for sniper battles, you could effectively seperate people and if you want to keep it as long range play, and if they can be spawned in, you...
your link doesnt go to it, sorry, your link goes to the progam, not your gun
First off,I did not make this PimpMyGun.com It's a flash game which lets you choose from a huge variety of parts and accessories to replicate...
i really like the idea, this reminds me of something i was planning to do but never did. You probably did a much better job anyways, and I'll now...
Ok, only the VIP gets a sniper, and also, magnums are very good for making headshots, also called oe shot kills, and if there were to many BRs, no...
In your signature, you mispelled competitive
Uhh? wow, i didnt expect an aesthetic map to get a feature :D always thought that the next one would be competitive havent seen to many of those...
sorry but its not up the standards, you need pics (in my link), a description, and possibly a weapons list. Also, what is it for? Infect, Assualt,...
learn how to post screens, look in my sig to the first link
this is in the wrong section it should go in forge discussion, this is for posting already made maps, go here for forge discussion
blackout, this is a very popuraly and used idea, i have seen many of them, so he has probably not have stolen it from you.
pls put in an overview (and possibly underview), and show important parts. also, how many clips to the 3 weapons have (does the rockets have...
looks very nice a good small unsymmetrical map thats looks good for close quaters, the layout looks intriguing, seems loike it would get very...
ahh, no stairs, that was one of my fav things about this, get up to the sniper post and never come down, its not that easy to get up with someone...
cool, a remake, i remember seeing this in the bring back halo maps contest, it looks really great, a good remake 4.5/5 will dl
to learn how to inbed screenies pls look in my sig to the first link
pls inbed screenies, loon in my sig to find out how
learn how to inbed screenies in my sig, first link
um, the aethetics look good, but i would love an overview or at least a basic scetch pls. ALso, can you tell us the weapons on the map and all...