If it didn't unstick grenades (grenades after you've gone into AL still do diddly) and you couldn't melee straight after coming out, it'd be...
Apparently the glitch occurs if you drop to dash without exiting the map first, so always quit, even if you don't save.
This is Facility! the map with the most original name in the world! First off, I'd like to point out this map was based off the MLG Sanctuary map...
floors that don't suck.
I voted no. this map doesn't need bases, it could be an awesome FFA map ala guardian, but I don't think bases would be the way to go with this.
yeah, camping the **** out of the one choke point on the map is HILARIOUS until it happens to you. the extra routes provide both teams with...
in what way doesn't it work? neutral assault bomb spawn goes (roughly) between the 2 bases, the bomb plants are attackers and defenders,...
the single choke point would probably be my biggest gripe with this map, try putting 2 tunnels, one either side of centre, (1 to 1, 2 to 2 on this...
Super archer for the acorn electron. strength 40, elevation 76, deviation 0. bullseye!
You have to keep in mind I'm only allowed to use sandbox default equipment/scenery. I also didn't want the map to be too constricted, there's...
to break the map up a little, make you work to get an easy way to the flag/bomb. besides, it's not WAY out, just on the flat sand dune.
not really, tunnels have unobstructed lines of sight to the centre, great for a bit of brute-shotting, and even in the corner behind the bases,...
Quarter is a small-ish symmetrical slayer, CTF, Assault and Oddball map, although it does work with all default gametypes. In keeping with my...
thread for it is HERE I wanted the choppers out of the main lines of fire and semi-protected. The grav-lift isn't too far out of the way, but...
They all spawn in one place, so once they're "pushed" out, they are off their spawn teardrop, so they'll vanish after a while, then respawn under...
This is my entry for the sandbox template contest. I didn't use the bridge/weapon holder, as everything from sandbox is re-used. The map is...
this WILL work, starting locations are away from respawns on the canvas I have.
Sounds like fun. I'll see whatb I can nail together.
UT 2K4's "face" is a blasphemy! I've never liked any of the Face remakes, this map is the exception, Similar enough to invoke the feel and...