very nice maps, cargo hanger looks amazing!
looks nice 4/5 i like that there is a secret place and many levels... it looks like it would be fun to play
i agree that it is good to see a cold storage map out already judging from the pictures, 3.8/5 sry if this is a noobish question, but i saw that...
sry man cannon, not grav lift?
great looking map, definately dl'ing i like it the way it is for the most part i like the lack of cover in the middle, it makes teamwork...
very well made i agree that the sniper wall area is great
nice map.... looks like it would be good for competitive games and i like the base layout
nice good return system i think that it is cool how u used the fence boxes or whatever in the middle of the floor, it looks cool 4/5
good map I like the use of vehicles; you usually don't see that on foundry Also, it is good to see multiple story buildings and a center area......